Comments on: Ethernet Channel Bonding aka NIC Teaming on Linux Systems Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Fri, 22 Jan 2021 13:26:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raj Fri, 22 Jan 2021 13:26:42 +0000 Thank you very much. Great explanation with snapshots… Appreciate your explanation.

By: zahid shaikh Tue, 01 Dec 2015 17:11:22 +0000 Hello, I am novice to Linux . Have a question about the configuration related to teaming. I have understood the configuration shown on this page . Just have a confusion related to the Master connection . The Bond0(Master) connection ip was given . So which ip is given to BOND0 . Is it the machine’s(Server) IP on which the teaming is configured, Or how to get the IP to put in BOND0

By: mike Sun, 14 Dec 2014 21:49:23 +0000 In reply to Jack.

you could try using mode2

mode=2 (balance-xor)
XOR policy: Transmit based on [(source MAC address XOR’d with destination MAC address) modulo slave count]. This selects the same slave for each destination MAC address. This mode provides load balancing and fault tolerance.

By: Jack Wed, 14 May 2014 18:27:32 +0000 We have bonding setup as active/standby and our nics are going to 2 separate switches with a vlan going between the 2. We keep seeing the switches switch back and forth on who learn the mac-address for the linux server. When it learns the backup nic the linux server no longer pings.

Is there an option we have set that is causing this behavior or a setting we need to set to stop this behavior?

r-osasumn2-2#sh mac-address-table address 0202.9905.0301
Legend: * – primary entry
age – seconds since last seen
n/a – not available

vlan mac address type learn age ports
Module 1:
* 503 0202.9905.0301 dynamic Yes 10 Po10
Module 3:
* 503 0202.9905.0301 dynamic Yes 250 Po10

r-osasumn2-1#sh mac-address-table address 0202.9905.0301
Legend: * – primary entry
age – seconds since last seen
n/a – not available

vlan mac address type learn age ports
Module 1:
* 503 0202.9905.0301 dynamic Yes 45 Te1/2

I wouldn’t think the backup nic would try sending an arp annouce since it the backup and shouldn’t be in use.

By: Rahim Kanji Tue, 06 May 2014 14:20:48 +0000 Hello Abhishek,

To remove bonding:

ifconfig bond0 down

rmmod bonding

rmmod tg3

ifconfig ethX up or ifconfig ethX “IP.ADD.RE.S” or

then reconfigure your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX

NB. X corresponds to 0,1,2 like eth0, eth1.. etc…
