Comments on: 25 Interesting GNU/Linux Facts You Probably Didn’t Know Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Thu, 16 Nov 2023 05:51:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Just a GUI Linux User Thu, 09 Nov 2023 12:20:31 +0000 Ah, this is what I love about Linux, Everyone is an expert, and nit-picking everything to death is so much fun.

Keep it up, guys!

By: Amar Tufo Thu, 09 Nov 2023 10:57:28 +0000 SLS was not the first Linux distribution. Historically, the very first Linux distribution was MCC Interim Linux, released by Owen Le Blanc in February 1992.

It was the very first Linux distribution to feature a menu installer. Second, TAMU Linux was the very first Linux distribution with X window support.

SLS Linux distribution was preceded by TAMU Linux distribution released back in May 1992 while SLS was released in August 1992.

By: Vamp898 Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:31:03 +0000 > 3. Torvalds created Linux based on GNU General Public License (GPL). Perhaps Torvalds would have never written his own kernel if GPL would be having it’s own kernel and driver.

GPL is a License, so its nothing a Kernel can be based on (i think you mean GNU)

Also Linux was not designed on the base of the GNU Operating System, the opposide, GNU wanted to use Linux as their Kernel until their own is finished.

Also a friend hat to convince Linus to release Linux under the GNU/GPL he did not wanted to in the beginning.

By: Gabriel SCosta Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:53:26 +0000 I don’t see any lie as said on this article.
One thing, on topic 3, the choosing of the license (according to the book: just for fun) was made after the creation of the Linux kernel. Linus chose the GPL license because he thought it was more interesting rather than other licenses.
The rest is true. Good article!

By: Anony Meeses Mon, 16 Jun 2014 03:47:10 +0000 In reply to Matthew.

Linus Torvalds did not create the Linux kernel to complement GNU’s tools.

As a matter of fact, GNU didn’t even feel the kernel was interesting enough to port their crap to the kernel, Linus had to do it himself for ages.
