Comments on: How to Install ONLYOFFICE Docs on Debian and Ubuntu Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Mon, 24 Jan 2022 05:01:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christopher R. Lee Fri, 01 Jan 2021 21:31:43 +0000 I’m working with members of my extended family to launch e-commerce activities on the micro-enterprise scale, as a way of avoiding their need for person-to-person contact in the present circumstances. My role is to provide what IT know-how I possess, bearing in mind that my contribution may be time-limited due to age-related factors.

Thank you for introducing me to ONLYOFFICE, and particularly of its links with cloud storage facilities. This may be useful to us because setting up a project requires collaboration between an IT-geek and someone who’s on the learning curve with the intention of becoming capable of working on their own.

Linux is not the obvious choice in this situation, though it could be one way of persuading users to dedicate a low-end machine that no longer works with Windows exclusively to their commercial activities. Perhaps, therefore, the presentation could have started with a few words to explain that the procedure is nothing to be frightened about if you just copy-paste the “geek stuff”. Point of detail: as always, it’s worth reminding users that in Linux terminals paste is Ctrl+Shift+V.

It might also be useful to explain what dependencies are… and that – we hope – the latest developments will spare users the present hassle involved in installing, and above all maintaining, software applications under Linux.
