Comments on: How to Install Cygwin, a Linux-like Commandline Environment for Windows Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Wed, 19 Sep 2018 05:49:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gabriel A. Cánepa Fri, 12 May 2017 12:31:03 +0000 In reply to Gowthami.

Please refer to Step 4. If the packages you want to install are not listed under the software categories, you may attempt to install them from the command line once Cygwin it’s installed. However, keep in mind that Cygwin may have some limitations in this regard. On a side note, if you want to have Python in Windows, just install it in Windows.

By: Gowthami Thu, 11 May 2017 10:15:43 +0000 how to install software like gsac, python using cygwin in windows

By: Gabriel A. Cánepa Fri, 13 May 2016 12:09:39 +0000 In reply to Jeff Silverman.

Of course they do :) – Please note I never said Python and Ruby apps don’t run on Windows, but they are native of command-line environments :).

By: Gabriel A. Cánepa Fri, 13 May 2016 11:44:09 +0000 @Jeff,
Of course they do :) – Please note I never said Python and Ruby apps don’t run on Windows, but they are native of command-line environments :).

By: Jeff Silverman Fri, 13 May 2016 04:40:41 +0000 Python and ruby apps run just fine on Windows. So do Java apps, in general. Where you run into problems is when the applications are binaries, such a C C++ or FORTRAN or COBOL.
