Comments on: LFCA – Useful Tips for Securing Data and Linux – Part 18 Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Thu, 13 May 2021 12:57:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: dragonmouth Thu, 13 May 2021 12:57:06 +0000 “So, what can we learn from this (Equifax and other breaches)?”

That corporations are typically slow to react, or that they are arrogant in that they think a breach will not happen to THEM.

“legacy services such as rlogin, telnet, TFTP and FTP can pose huge security issues for your system. ……… consider removing them”

It is great to recommend the removal of insecure services but what do we use as their replacements?
