Comments on: Installing FTP Server and Mapping FTP Directories in Zentyal PDC – Part 8 Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Wed, 24 Jun 2015 13:51:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matei Cezar Wed, 24 Jun 2015 13:51:32 +0000 In reply to Robert.

Zentyal 4.1 has removed FTP server from their custom zentyal configuration! But you can still install, configure and use a variant of ftp server as standalone without shipping with zentya-ftp server, although you must manually configure the server only from command line, not by using zentyal web interface. Same this is valid for MySQL and phpmyadmin! Install, configure and manage them only from CLI!

By: Robert Tue, 23 Jun 2015 18:32:18 +0000 Let me say first… Great tutorial!

Now second, my question. Now that version 4.1 is the latest stable release, i can’t seem to find the package “zentyal-ftp” using apt-get?
In all ways the package list is a bit shorter than first, but didn’s come to any problems besides ftp and mysql.

Any idea how to install ftp in a proper way, i mean zo i have it shown up in the console to. If you know a way for mysql or phpmyadmin i would be very pleased to hear your opinion about how to use that in version 4.1 ( maby a bit offtopic, but still… )

Thanks in advance!


By: Matei Cezar Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:14:44 +0000 Add a system user with his home path as the folder that you want to commonly share it: useradd your_ftp_user
usermod -m -d /path/to/common/folder/ your_ftp_user

By: Dave Henderson Tue, 02 Sep 2014 01:53:33 +0000 Very nice instruction set.

I am searching on how to give access to a common folder via ftp from all users, such as the ‘www’ server folder, or ‘public dropbox’ etc.

Any thoughts?

By: Hammad Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:03:53 +0000 hello brother..

i am looking for a software which can control through centralize admin console.

for instance, if my laptop is connected through wire and if tried to connect wireless at same time then system simply does not allow it until i unplugged my wire.

any 3rd party server based software can be helpful.

any idea?
