Comments on: How to Permanently Disable Swap Partition in Linux Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:50:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ravi Saive Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:50:14 +0000 In reply to dragonmouth.


Thank you for sharing your perspective on the topic of swap partitions/files in the context of modern PCs with ample RAM. You’re right that with the increasing amounts of RAM in today’s computers, the traditional role of swap as an “overflow” for RAM is less critical than it once was.

By: dragonmouth Sat, 16 Sep 2023 12:29:25 +0000 With modern PCs, sporting 8, 16, or more GB of RAM, swap partition/file has become unnecessary. So, instead of just disabling it, delete it.

Granted that the gain in available space will be minimal but deleting swap will leave one less partition to be possibly corrupted.

One caveat with deleting swap is that some distros may refuse to install unless some kind of swap is present.

By: Dan St.AndrĂ© Fri, 12 May 2023 13:26:02 +0000 I’ve been told that “swap space” is used during SUSPEND operations.

I welcome someone to offer a robust explanation. It is important for road warriors and any who rely on laptop portability.

During “sleep” [suspend to ram] current runtime details get written to swap before putting things on hold.

During “hibernate” [suspend to disk] the majority of the system state gets written to swap before power off.

By: dragonmouth Mon, 08 May 2023 13:33:09 +0000 In reply to george eleftheriou.

If you notice, S.Daniels wrote “outdated“, he did not write “does not work“.

By: dragonmouth Mon, 18 Oct 2021 13:35:52 +0000 The “free -h” commands must be executed when the system is under heavy load. Otherwise, it does not provide the information necessary to determine whether a swap partition or space is needed. When executed on an idling system, the command will only tell you the size of the swap partition and that it is not being used. It’s like running the “top” command on an idling system to see the CPU Load. It will show the CPU Load to be negligible.

I agree with S. Daniels on the use of GParted. It not only provides a visual representation of your disks but also can delete your swap partition and recover that space by moving and/or resizing other partitions. Using the command line to accomplish your tasks may be ‘leet’ and cool but it is also dangerous to the health of your system. Using GParted prevents misspelling or use of incorrect CLI commands, as well as the use of incorrect options which can result in making the drive unusable.
