Comments on: 9 Best Microsoft Excel Alternatives for Linux Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:33:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: dragonmouth Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:33:52 +0000 In reply to Alistair.

I don’t like Google Sheets.

1. It is from Google. “Google” and “Security” is a contradiction in terms. I do not want documents to be read by anyone who is not supposed to.
2. It is online. Anyone can have access to my documents.
3. Google is very cavalier about their apps/services. They have a history of discontinuing popular apps/services for no apparent reason.
4. One gives up control over one’s documents by storing them on third party servers.

By: Alistair Sat, 18 Mar 2023 07:36:10 +0000 I don’t like LibreOffice, they don’t have versions for the smartphone or online.

Google Sheets is the best, it is available on smartphones, online, and desktops.

By: tim Tue, 20 Jul 2021 21:24:40 +0000 I’m a serious spreadsheet user. The best spreadsheet on Linux is Excel running in Wine. I use office 2016 via Crossover. I’ve benchmarked with the large, complex spreadsheets I use and Excel is overall still the best despite the Wine version being 32bit. It is highly stable.

The next best is a tie between Libreoffice 7.2 and WPS Office. LO 7.2 has massive performance improvements with large files. Previously it was unusable. It now does some things faster than Excel, such as opening large files. But some things are still slow. Based on the focus on performance in 7.2 I hope the remaining performance problems will be tackled soon.

WPS Spreadsheet is very good.MS Office fidelity is close to perfect and better than LO. For most Linux users it’s the best choice, considering it’s $0. The main reason I say that’s its best is due to its extremely good MS Office fidelity.

It’s good with large files although like LO some basic tasks are slow.

Power users will also have LO in their toolkit: it has real regular expression handling and can be scripted in python. It’s also the best choice for CSV work.

Only Office and Gnumeric are bad with large sheets e.g above 200K rows. On simple tasks like mass row deletes they crash or are very slow. They are not currently serious tools.

I haven’t looked at PlanMaker since it is not free.

By: Ed Mon, 19 Jul 2021 09:35:02 +0000 I’ve actually made a hard switch from LibreOffice to OnlyOffice. It looks better and formats better. I have also seen that it is so much more compatible with Microsoft products than LibreOffice.

OnlyOffice for the win.

By: James Sun, 18 Jul 2021 11:20:18 +0000 I use LibreOffice because I have little need of an Office Suite and do not care about formatting as I never use MS formats. Still I think if you must work with MS files, Only Office does a much better job maintaining formatting.
